Jeff Zheng

  • Vanderbilt University

    Primary Email Change Informed Consent

    Information regarding changing your Primary Email Address Your main (or “primary”) Vanderbilt email address is a very important part of your online identity. In addition to your Vanderbilt email messages originating from your primary email address, this address is also used to log in to your Microsoft… Read More

    Jul. 12, 2024

  • Vanderbilt University

    Software Store FAQ

    Access Gurantee What is Access Guarantee? The Access Guarantee option provides access to your download link and product key for up to 24 months from the day you place your order in case you need to reinstall your software or move your license from an old computer to a new… Read More

    Jul. 3, 2024

  • Box Service FAQ

    Box Service FAQ

    What is the process to access Box data from a former Vanderbilt user? To access Box data of a former Vanderbilt employee, submit a ticket with the folder or file names. You also need HR approval for this access. To obtain permission from HR, please reach out to your… Read More

    Jun. 25, 2024

  • Vanderbilt University

    Microsoft Office 365 Group Usage Guidelines

    Guideline Information Scope The Guidelines apply to all Office 365 Groups whether created through Outlook, Planner, Microsoft Teams, Stream, Yammer, or any other application using the Office 365 Groups membership service, and similarly covers content generated while using any of the resources and features within Office 365 Groups, including but… Read More

    Jun. 18, 2024

  • Vanderbilt University

    Account Separation Termination Policy

    Introduction This document will describe the termination and separation policy for the AccessVU and Sun IDM Account Provisioning Services. This document is meant as a description of what these policies are, and not a technical description for how those policies are implemented. Glossary SeparationSeparation is the event that occurs… Read More

    Jun. 18, 2024

  • Vanderbilt University

    Restore Policy

    Policy Information VUIT tape backup system is in place for disaster recovery in case the Network Operation Center (NOC) experiences hardware or software failure or other catastrophe which does not include the end users’ hardware. A back-up is a snapshot in time when the last back-up procedure was completed.Some backup… Read More

    Jun. 18, 2024

  • Vanderbilt University

    DNS Policy

    Policy Information DNS Policy Domain Name Service (DNS) is an internet service that translates meaningful alphabetic names into numeric IP addresses which are given to computers, services or any resource participating in the Internet. DNS translates hostnames into IP addresses and IP addresses to hostnames. An example is… Read More

    Jun. 18, 2024

  • Vanderbilt University

    IT Security Policy Development and Lifecycle

    Service Description Information technology policies are principles, rules, and guidelines formulated or adopted by an organization to reach its long-term goals. They are a part of organizational governance that may be needed enterprise-wide or at a department-level to help ensure compliance with laws, regulations, and statutory requirements. This service can help create,… Read More

    Jun. 18, 2024

  • Vanderbilt University

    LDAP Standards Policy

    Policy Information LDAP Service LDAP service for Vanderbilt is available to all applications owners who have been granted permission to its use. The requirements listed below are mandatory for the continued use of the LDAP system and must be adhered to in all cases.If there is a question or concern… Read More

    Jun. 18, 2024

  • Vanderbilt University

    Third Party Authentication Policy

    Policy Information Background Third party applications are any applications that are not developed by the Vanderbilt community. They would include off the shelf solutions, custom solutions, and software as a service solutions. These various different types of third party solutions can either be hosted locally on the Vanderbilt network or… Read More

    Jun. 18, 2024