Secure Research Cloud (SRC) FAQ

SRC Examples

SRC Examples   

Example Instance 1
Example Instance 2
(Memory intense)
Example Instance 3
(Memory intense + high storage)
  • 2 vCPU
  • 8 GiB Memory
  • 100 GB Data set size
  • Supports basic analysis in Excel
Total cost for 40 hours of use in a 30 day month (2 hrs/day):
  • Windows:  $57.44
  • Amazon Linux:  $55.33
  • 4 vCPU
  • 32 GiB Memory
  • 500 GB Data set size
  • Supports work in R, STATA or other memory intensive programs
Total cost for 40 hours of use in a 30 day month (2 hrs/day):
  • Windows:  $112.44
  • Amazon Linux:  $105.08
  • 4 vCPU
  • 32 GiB Memory
  • 1000 GB Data set size
  • Supports work in R, STATA or other memory intensive programs
Total cost for 40 hours of use in a 30 day month (2 hrs/day):
  • Windows:  $172.44
  • Amazon Linux:  $165.08

Costs depicted in above are examples only. Fees can vary depending on your needed storage size and computing power. More information on cost breakdowns can be found in Service Charges or Fees.

Service Charges or Fees

AWS offers you a pay-as-you-go approach. With AWS you pay only for the individual services you need, for as long as you use them, and without requiring long-term contracts or complex licensing. AWS pricing is similar to how you pay for utilities like water and electricity. You only pay for the services you consume, and once you stop using them, there are no additional costs or termination fees.SRC account owners are billed on a quarterly basis and pay a direct pass-through cost from AWS. In other words, you only pay for what you use. There are 2 types of costs, static and hourly. The total pass-through cost will be a sum of both.

  • Examples of fixed or static costs: Storage, Backups, Networking, Security
  • Examples of variable or hourly costs: Total hours (billed by the second) that the server is running.

Example Instance 1 (Basic)

  • Static Monthly Costs: $53
  • Windows hourly cost: $0.111
  • Amazon Linux hourly cost: $0.0832

Example Instance 2 (Memory intense)

  • Static Monthly Costs: $95
  • Windows hourly costs: $0.436
  • Amazon Linux hourly cost: $0.252

Example Instance 3 (Memory intense + high storage)

  • Static Monthly Costs: $155
  • Windows hourly costs: $0.436
  • Amazon Linux hourly cost: $0.252

The bill is charged to a COA or POET string. Each account is integrated with cost monitoring, projection, and reporting tools. Please consult the official AWS Pricing Calculator for more precise cost estimates.

How do I pay for my instance, what is the cost, and what type of funds can I use for this?
  • Charges for your secure cloud environment will accrue based on usage and be charged on a quarterly basis.
  • For examples of pricing, see examples listed on the VUIT Products and Services page or use the AWS Pricing Calculator 
  • COA or POET strings can be used for charge payments.
How do I get more information on the various instance types and their capabilities?

If you need more details, submit a ticket to learn more.

What do I do if I am having difficulty with my instance?

Review the SRC User Guide for helpful how-to’s, do’s and don’ts. If you still need help troubleshooting an issue, submit a ticket.

What do I do if I am having trouble with my software?
  • If you need help with a 3rd party provided software that you downloaded from the vendor’s website, seek input from provider.
  • If you need help with software that you downloaded from Microsoft Office 365 or the VU Software Store, submit a ticket to: Help Desk 
What if I no longer want to use my instance?

To close out your secure cloud environment, submit a ticket.

What if I need to export data from my instance?

The data stored in your secure cloud environment is only secure while it is in the environment. If you need to move it outside of the environment, submit a ticket.

How do I delete data from my instance but keep my environment?

If you need to keep your server instance but need to securely erase a specific data set (e.g. due to contractual requirements), submit a ticket.

What if I need to make changes to my environment?
  • If you need help making changes, submit a ticket.
  • Some change examples might include adjusting the amount of disk space (i.e., storage size), adjusting the available memory or CPU (i.e., computation), add or removing user access.
Where can I get general instruction?

Review the SRC User Guide for helpful how-to’s, do’s and don’ts.

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