Administrator Accounts Policy

Policy Information


These accounts (often called three letter accounts) are used to grant an individual access to specialized environments. It is usually used to give owner admin or super user rights to a system, programming environment, tools, etc.


The following policies must be applied to all administrative accounts. Any exception must be approved by an authorized Director or other executive from VUIT.

  • The account ID must not conflict with existing or future VUnetIDs.
  • It must always be associated with an individual, ie. resources cannot have a three letter account.
  • Administrative accounts associated with an individual are terminated when an individual’s identity in the Vanderbilt System is terminated.
  • Administration accounts associated with an individual are terminated when an individual’s role changes.
  • Administration Accounts should only be created by an IDev Admin.
  • Administration Accounts are currently not managed through IDM, but they will be in the future. Relationships
  • to individuals are created manually in the database.
  • These accounts should reside in the default users OU.

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