Box Service FAQ

What is the process to access Box data from a former Vanderbilt user?
  • To access Box data of a former Vanderbilt employee, submit a ticket with the folder or file names. You also need HR approval for this access. To obtain permission from HR, please reach out to your HR Consultant and request a written email approval. Vanderbilt IT will try to restore the data if the Box account is still available (Box accounts are irretrievable 180 days after users leave).
What happens with Box Data when a user leaves Vanderbilt?
  • To comply with licensing and storage limits in Box per our service agreement, Vanderbilt IT will deactivate the user’s Box account. This will block their access to all files and to all shared files owned by the user for all collaborators. The user’s account and its data will be deleted permanently after 180 days. Once the account is deleted, the data will not be recoverable.
Can there be more than one owner for a folder or file?
Does changing folder or file ownership affect access privileges for other users?
  • The folder or files will keep all the same privileges and sharing permissions that they had before, even after the new owner assumes ownership.
Accessing Previous Versions of Box Files
  • Click here to learn how to access previous versions of Box files.
Assigning Tasks in Box
Changing Account Information
  • Click here to learn how to change your account information in Box.
Collaborator Permissions
  • Click here to learn how to set permissions for your collaborators.
Recovering Deleted Items in Box
  • Click here to learn how to recover deleted items in Box.
Searching Files in Box
Sharing Files/Folders in Box
  • Click here to learn how to share files/folders in Box.
Tagging Files in Box
How do I remove myself from data I no longer want to be shared with me?
  • Log in in your Vanderbilt Box account and go to ALL FILES page.
  • On the folder you want to change, click the ellipsis (…), From there select the menu that displays, click MORE ACTIONS.
  • Click END COLLABORATION. Box will remove you as a folder collaborator. At this point you will no longer have access to the folder unless the owner re-invites you as a collaborator.

What is a departmental Box Folder?
  • A departmental Box folder is a shared space on Vanderbilt Box where members of a department can store, access, and work together on files and folders for their work. It is not owned by an individual to assure access remains as department members join and leave. A departmental Box folder has Co-owners who can control the permissions and settings of the folder and add or remove collaborators. A departmental Box folder differs from a personal Box folder, which is owned by a single user and is invisible to others unless it is shared. This feature can help enhance efficiency, collaboration, and protection within a department.
How can I get a Departmental Box Folder?
  • Please submit a ticket and ask for a Departmental Box Folder and be sure to include the following information:
    • Display Name
    • Co-Owners
Vanderbilt Box Data Policy
  • Box provides robust security for stored data. State-of-the-art technology and industry best practices are used for data encryption during transit of data to and from the Box cloud and while data is being stored within Box. However, due to federal, state, and local laws and university policies and standards, Box should not be used to store, collect, or share certain types of regulated and sensitive data. University faculty and staff are responsible for safeguarding data stored on computers, devices, and with online services. To ensure secure data storage and transfer, faculty and staff should refer to the Data Classification Guidelines for appropriate use of tools.
I am leaving Vanderbilt. How can I assign the ownership of this data to another person?
  • Access your Vanderbilt Box account. Go to the folder or file of which you want to change the ownership. Click on “Share” and enter the user’s email address and make them a co-owner and send. Then, click on the ellipses and modify their Sharing permissions to owner.

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