Software Store FAQ

Access Guarantee
  • What is Access Guarantee? 
    The Access Guarantee option provides access to your download link and product key for up to 24 months from the day you place your order in case you need to reinstall your software or move your license from an old computer to a new computer.  Access Guarantee does not:
    1. Enable you to install your software an unlimited number of times
    2. Extend the length of time for a product subscription. The Software Store recommends that you make a backup copy of your download on a thumb drive and store your product key in a safe place.


  • My Access Guarantee is expired.  Does this mean my software is expired? 
    The Access Guarantee does not mean that the software you have installed will stop working.  For example, if you are a student and you have installed Windows at no charge through the Software Store, your Windows license will not time out.  However, if your Access Guarantee is expired, you no longer have access to the download link and product key in case you need to reinstall your software or move your license from an old computer to a new computer. Therefore, you should make a backup copy of your download on a thumb drive and save your product key as soon as you place your order so that you do not need to rely on Access Guarantee. If your access to the download does expire, please contact the and we will place a request with Kivuto to have your download reactivated for an additional 30 days.


  • Do I have to buy Access Guarantee? 
    Access Guarantee is an optional add-on for products managed by Kivuto (the company that hosts the Software Store). Kivuto offers Basic Access Guarantee for $0. Basic Access Guarantee provides access to your download(s) and/or key(s) for 31 days from the day you place your order. You can make a backup copy of your download and key in case you need to reinstall your software, or you can buy Extended Access Guarantee. Extended Access Guarantee provides access to your download(s) and/or key(s) for an additional 24 months. If your access to the download does expire, please contact the and we will place a request with Kivuto to have your download reactivated for an additional 30 days.


  • What if I need to reinstall my software, but my Access Guarantee has expired? 
    If you choose not to purchase Extended Access Guarantee, your access to the download link and product key expires 31 days from your order date. If your access to the download does expire, please contact the and we will place a request with Kivuto to have your download reactivated for an additional 30 days


  • What is Access Guarantee Retrieval? 
    Access Guarantee Retrieval is a service you can purchase for a small fee from Kivuto, the company that hosts the Software Store. Access Guarantee Retrieval reinstates access to your download link and product key for 60 days after your access has expired. ( If your access to the download does expire, please contact the and we will place a request with Kivuto to have your download reactivated for an additional 30 days.)


  • How can I find the status of my Access Guarantee? 
    To view the status of your Access Guarantee(s):

    1.       Go to

    2.       Click on the shopping cart

    3.       Log in with your VUnetID and ePassword

    4.       Click on the dropdown menu by your VUnetID in the top right corner of the screen

    5.       Click on “Your Account/Orders” at the top of the screen

    6.       Click on “View Details”  

Adobe Creative Cloud


  • Can multiple team members use a single Creative Cloud for Teams subscription?

    Adobe requires customers to buy a team subscription for each team member.


  • Can I install Adobe Creative Cloud on more than one device?

    Yes, each Adobe subscription allows you to install the software on two devices. The only cavaet is that you cannot run the software concurrently. Also, the two installations can be on two different platforms (PC and Mac).


  • How can I buy an individual subscription for Adobe Creative Cloud from Adobe?

    You can purchase a personal Adobe Creative Cloud subscription using a personal credit card at this site:

Approving Orders
  • Who can approve orders in the Software Store?
    Only your Financial Unit Manager (FUM) can approve an order in the Software Store.If you are a Financial Unit Manager and you do not see the Administration link when you click the dropdown arrow beside your vunetID, please contact us at


  • How do I get a list of people authorized to approve my Software Store order?

    Send the COA or POET string to We can look up the names of the people who can approve your order.


  • Why is my order still pending?
    You must forward your order confirmation to your Financial Unit Manager (FUM). If you do not know who approves orders for your COA or POET string, please contact us at


  • I can approve orders in the Software Store, but I do not get an alert when I have a pending order. Why?
    The system does not have the functionality to send pending order alerts.

  • How can I become eligible to purchase software through the Vanderbilt Software Store?
    You must have a VUnet ID and password to log into the Vanderbilt Software Store. In addition, you must meet the purchasing eligibility criteria (e.g. active faculty, staff, or student status) set by the manufacturer of the product you wish to buy. If you believe that your status is incorrect in the Software Store system, please contact the appropriate department to request a correction (faculty/staff-Human Resources and student-Student Records).


  • I am trying to place an order for someone, but the Software Store gives me an error message.

    If the person you are placing the order for has never logged into the Software Store, or if they have not logged in within the last 12 months, the system will not recognize them.  

    Please ask them to activate their account by following these steps:

    1. Go to
    2. Click on the shopping cart
    3. Log in with their Vunet ID and password

  • Can I get a refund for my order?
    Send the order number to and ask us to refund the order. We can refund your order if we have not already paid the manufacturer for your order (i.e. if we will not lose money by refunding your order).


  • I am responsible for reconciling my department’s ledger. How can I get a receipt for a Software Store purchase?

    Ask the person who placed the order to provide you with a receipt for the purchase.

    Each customer can access their purchase history by:

    1. Going to

    2. Clicking on the shopping cart

    3. Logging in with their VUnetID and ePassword

    4. Clicking on the dropdown menu by their VUnetID in the top right corner of the screen

    5. Clicking on “Your Account/Orders” at the top of the screen

    6. Clicking on “View Details”   

      Or you can send an email to, include the 12 digit order number, and request a copy of the receipt.

COA or POET strings
  • A complete COA string consists of the following segments:

    Entity                    XXX

    Net Asset Class   XX

    Financial Unit      XXXXX (this is your department 5 digit Financial Unit Number)

    Account               6745 (this account number that should always be used for Software Store purchases.)

    Program              XXX

    Activity                XXX       

    InterEntity          000

    Future 1               0

    Future 2               0

    Example: 123_12_12345_6745_000_000_000_0_0 (please use underscores in place of decimals)


  • A complete POET string consists of the following segments:

    Project number:           XX_XXXXX

    Organization number: XXXXX (this is your department 5 digit Financial Unit Number)

    Expenditure Type:        IntraComp

    Task number:               XX (a Task number can be one or more digits)

    Example: AB_12345612345Intracomp12 or with a new project number, 12345612345Intracomp12

    If you have any questions, please contract


  • Can I split a Vanderbilt Software Store purchase across multiple COA or POET strings?

    The Software Store platform does not support this feature.


  • The Software Store asks for a COA or POET string during checkout. How can I determine my COA or POET string? 

    You should contact your department’s Financial Unit Manager (FUM) to determine which COA or POET string you should use.


  • Does the Software Store validate my COA or POET string for accuracy?

    No, your Financial Unit Manager (FUM) will review your order, but to minimize turnaround time, be sure to verify your billing information before submitting your order.

Changing Account Information
  • How do I download through the Software Store?
    You will find download instructions that are specific to your software when you “Click here for Install Instructions” on your order receipt.


  • My pending order includes a free product. When will the store give me access to the free download?
    If there is a product in the cart that requires approval, all products in the cart require approval (even if some of the products are free).


  • How can I download the software I placed as a proxy order?
    The Software Store places the download link in the end user’s account (i.e. not in the account of the person who placed the order).


  • If my download times out or I get disconnected, do I get charged for the product I was downloading?
    No, we do not charge for downloading. If your download times out, log back into the store, click Your Account/Orders and click View Details to the left of the order to access the download again. The download process should resume where it left off when the disconnection occurred.

  • Where can I find the download link, product key and installation instructions for my order?

    Follow these steps:
    1.       Go to

    2.       Click on the shopping cart

    3.       Log in with your VUnetID and ePassword

    4.       Click on the dropdown menu by your VUnetID in the top right corner of the screen

    5.       Click on “Your Account/Orders” at the top of the screen

    6.       Click on “View Details”   


  • I purchased software through the Software Store, but I cannot install it since I do not have administrative rights to my computer. Can my local IT support provider install the software for me?
    Yes. Contact the team at

Licensing Terms
  • Do I have to renew my license every year?
    The annual renewal policy depends upon the terms and conditions of the agreement between Vanderbilt and the software manufacturer. Check with for specific license information.


  • Do I get free upgrades with my order?
    The product maintenance policy depends upon the terms and conditions of the agreement between Vanderbilt and the software manufacturer. Check with for specific license information.


  • Is product documentation included with my purchase?
    Physical documentation is not included with the software you buy. Many products include documentation in electronic form. In addition, a software manufacturer’s website may provide and sell documentation online. Check with for specific license information.


  • Is technical support included with my purchase?
    In general, the software manufacturer does not include free phone support with your purchase. Most manufacturer websites offer online and fee-based support options. Check with for specific license information.


  • Why do I have to agree to a licensing agreement when I place a proxy purchase?
    You must agree to the licensing agreement to complete your order. The end user must agree to the manufacturer’s End User License Agreement (EULA) when they installs the software.


  • Where can I find a summary of the licensing terms for the products you sell?

    Check with for specific license information.

Microsoft Office 365
Microsoft Student Use Benefit Program
  • What is the Microsoft Student Use Benefit program?
    Vanderbilt University participates in the Microsoft Enrollment for Education Solutions (EES) program. We license every student for Microsoft Windows Upgrade through the EES program and provide students with free access to the software.

    Yes, upon graduation, Microsoft grants you perpetual use rights for the products you obtained through Vanderbilt’s EES program.


  • Can I keep using the software I get through Microsoft Student Use Benefit program if I do not complete my degree at Vanderbilt? If you leave Vanderbilt without graduating, Microsoft requires you to remove the software from your computer.


  • Can I keep using the software if Vanderbilt does not renew its Student Use Benefit program?
    If Vanderbilt does not renew its EES program agreement, Microsoft requires you to remove the software from your computer.


  • Where can I find the product use rights for the software I get through Microsoft Student Use Benefit program?
    Microsoft publishes the Microsoft Volume Licensing Product Use Rights quarterly and posts them at


  • How can I access my Windows downloads and product keys after I graduate?
    Contact Kivuto at or 1-888-396-1447.  You may also contact the Software Store at

  • Do you have a recommendation on who should place orders for departments through the Software Store?
    The recommendation varies with a department’s operational requirements and its level of local IT support.

    • Some departments assign purchasing responsibilities to specific employees. Under this scenario, the assigned employee can place proxy orders for others. The Software Store sends the order and approval confirmations by email to the person placing the order. The Software Store places the download in the end user’s Software Store account after the Financial Unit Manager approves the order. The end user can install the software, or request installation by their IT support provider.
    • Some departments want end users to place their own orders. In this case, the Software Store sends the order confirmation to the end user. The end user should forward the order confirmation to the Financial Unit Manager with a request for approval. After approval, the download will appear in the end user’s Software Store account. The end user may install the software, or request installation by their IT support provider.
    • Some departments assign purchasing responsibilities to an IT support provider so that the IT support provider has direct access to the download and can track purchase.


  • How can I change the COA or POET string for a pending order?
    You cannot change an order after you submit it, but if you contact the Software Store at with the correct information, we can edit your COA or POET.


  • How can I cancel a pending order?
    Please contact the Software Store at for help.

Payment Options
  • What methods of payment do you accept?
    If you place an order under the “Departments” tab, payment is COA or POET string. If you place an order under the “Faculty/Staff” or “Student” tab, payment is by credit card.


  • How do you protect credit card information?
    See Kivuto’s Safe Shopping policy by logging into the Software Store and clicking Help.


  • If I order using a credit card, how will the charge appear on my statement?
    If you order using a credit card, the charge on your statement will appear as “Kivuto Solutions Inc.”


  • Do you charge sales tax?
    We do not charge sales tax.


  • Can I use two payment types (e.g. COA, POET string and credit card) for a multi-product order?
    No, you can only use one method of payment for each shopping cart checkout.

Pending Orders
  • Why did you cancel my order?

    • We cancel an order if the order has been pending more than 2 weeks or the order is pending at the end of the fiscal year.
    • We cancel an order if the manufacturer discontinued the product before the department approves the order.
    • We cancel orders for subscriptions if the order is still pending after the subscription is expired.
    • An order will be cancelled if the COA or POET string is entered incorrectly. Please see “COA or POET strings” in this FAQ for detailed instructions.


  • Do you send alerts to Financial Unit Managers to let them know when they have a pending order in the Software Store?
    The Software Store does not offer an automated way to notify Financial Unit Managers, but if an order has been pending for more than 2 weeks, we will send a reminder email to the person who placed the order.


  • I placed an order by COA or POET string in the Software Store. How can I get it approved by my department?
    You should forward your order confirmation to your Financial Unit Manager with a request for approval. We post instructions for approving orders in the Approver’s Guide at under Need Additional Information?. If you do not know who your Financial Unit Manager is, please send an email to for help.

  • What is your order Refund policy?
    Please contact if you need to cancel an order.  We will review each request and cancel the order if we can recover licensing costs for the returned product.  Note that if you pay by credit card, we must charge a return fee to recover credit card processing fees.


  • Who is eligible to buy Microsoft Enrollment for Education Solutions program products through the store?

    Eligibility options include:

    • Available if you meet the criteria with IT Customer Engagement

    Project Online

    Power BI


    Available to all: All departments may order the product


  • Product                                                                                      Eligibility

    Office for Mac                                                                        Available to all

    Office Professional for PC                                                       Available to all

    SQL Server                                                                           Available to all

    Windows Server                                                                     Available to all

    Windows Upgrade                                                                  Available to all

    Exchange Server                                                                    Not available


Proxy Purchases
  • Why does the Software Store display a “One or more of the items cannot be ordered due to eligibility restrictions” error message when I try to buy software on behalf of someone else?
    You cannot place an order for someone until that person activates their Software Store account.  The account is activated the first time you log into the Software Store. In order to keep your account active, you must log into the Software Store every 12 months.


  • Why do I have to agree to a licensing agreement when I place a proxy order since I am not the end user?
    The licensing agreement applies to the person placing the order. When the end user installs the software, they must agree to a separate End User License Agreement (EULA) as part of the installation process.

Purchasing Eligibility
  • Who is eligible to purchase software through the Software Store?
    Vanderbilt departments, active employees, and active students are eligible to purchase software through the Software Store. Licensing terms for specific products may restrict purchasing eligibility to certain groups of Vanderbilt users (e.g. Students Only or Faculty/Staff Only). The store features two tabs (Departments and Personal Use) for guiding customers on purchasing eligibility. If you are not eligible to purchase a product, you may not be able to see the product in the store.


  • I am a graduate student with my own grant and POET string. Why can’t I use my POET string to order software listed under the Departments tab?

    You must be a Vanderbilt employee before you can place an order under the Departments tab. Please ask a departmental representative to place a proxy order for you. We will place the download in your Software Store account after your Financial Unit Manager approves the order. Note that if the licensing terms for the product do not allow us to distribute the product to a student, your department cannot order the product for you.


  • I cannot see all of the products in the store. Why?

    Your status (e.g. student, employee, and affiliate) and purchase history determine what you can see in the Software Store.


  • Is the Software Store search box feature tab specific?
    No, the search results show all matching products under all of the tabs. If you wish to purchase a product with a COA/POET, shop under the “Departments” tab or if you wish to pay for your purchase with a personal credit card, shop under the “Student” or “Faculty/Staff” tabs.

Work Flow
  • Will you send an order confirmation?
    We send an order confirmation to you after you place an order. If you place a proxy order, we also send an order confirmation to the person for whom you placed the order.


  • Do you have documentation for the Software Store order and approval processes?
    We post this information under Need Additional Information? at


  • Do you send pending order alerts to Financial Unit Managers?
    No, the Software Store does not offer this feature.

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